Events and functions held at NGALA® provide people with a direct connection to the natural environment of the world in which we live. This connection is provided in a safe, dignified manor showcasing rare & endangered wildlife along with unusual, and magnificent tropical foliage, and cultural entertainment. This direct connection is very important. Sometimes we need to be humbly reminded that we are only one segment of life in this vast and fast-paced world in which we live.
NGALA® provides an enchanted experience focusing not only on beauty and grace but also on the perils of nature.
Our animals are cared for with great commitment and personal attention. These ambassadors provide an opportunity for guest to connect with them and stimulate interest while also increasing awareness and concern for the wild animals that they represent.
Guests of all ages leave the NGALA® experience with a new appreciation, insight, and inspiration to get involved and pay closer attention to the world and the environment.